The Circle of Love: The Highest Experience in Life

A circle of love is the result of people being together with open hearts, and is the most wonderful experience in life.

Have you ever experienced a circle of love?

A circle of love occurs when two or more people are together with completely open hearts – open with their essence, with each other and with Spirit. When we are deeply connected with our core self and with the love and sustenance of Spirit, and we are sharing our love with others – and they are doing the same – a circle of love occurs. A circle of love is the highest, most joyous experience in life.

Yet most people in relationships rarely, if ever, experience a circle of love. This is because when the intent is to protect against pain rather than to learn about love, the heart is closed to feelings, as well as to others and to Spirit. Continue reading The Circle of Love: The Highest Experience in Life


Anger And Other Forms of Control

If you grew up in a family where one or both parents used anger to control you, then anger likely plays a role in your life now.

Did you grow up with anger in your household? Did one or both of your parents use anger as a way to keep you in line . . . → Read More: Anger And Other Forms of Control

When You Love Yourself, You Love Others

Are you being selfish if you do what brings you joy, even if others don’t like it? Do you feel trapped, believing you can’t really take loving care of yourself without being unloving to others?

One of the questions I often hear from my clients is, “If I take care of myself and . . . → Read More: When You Love Yourself, You Love Others

The Gifts Within Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and depression hold within them much important information.

When you feel anxious or depressed, do you try to get rid of these feelings, or do you learn from them?

Getting rid of anxiety and depression is big business – especially for the pharmaceutical companies. Drug sales for anti-anxiety meds and antidepressants are huge. This is very sad to me, because, while there are circumstances where these meds are medically called for, much of the time they are prescribed in an effort to simply get rid of our painful feelings. The problem with this is that it leaves us without the roadmap we need to navigate life in a loving, meaningful and joyful way.

Anxiety and depression have major information for us. Let’s compare these feelings to the pain you would feel if you grabbed a hot pan with your bare hand or cut your finger slicing your veggies. Continue reading The Gifts Within Anxiety and Depression


“If Only You Would Get What You Are Doing!”

Is your relationship stuck in a pattern of blame where you both feel like victims of the other person?

One of the most common dynamics I see with the couples I work with is that each of them is convinced that if only their partner would see what he or she is doing to cause the relationship problems, their relationship would get so much better. They each see clearly what the other person is doing to cause their problems, but they are generally clueless regarding when they are doing. They truly believe that they are just reacting to the other’s unloving behavior instead of understanding that they each brought their own controlling strategies into the relationship.

An example of this is a typical situation that frequently occurs between Gavin and Julie. Continue reading “If Only You Would Get What You Are Doing!”



Greed is wreaking havoc on our planet.

“We are in danger of destroying ourselves by our greed and stupidity.” ~Stephen Hawking

“In a country well-governed, poverty is something to be ashamed of. In a country badly governed, wealth is something to be ashamed of.” ~ Confucius

What Causes Greed?

The Free Dictionary defines greed as “an inordinate desire to acquire or possess more than one needs, especially with respect to material wealth.” Continue reading Greed
