Do You Feel Connected With Your Partner and Others?

By Dr. Margaret Paul February 04, 2019

Do you have a problem feeling connected with others? It might be because you are living in your head rather than in your heart.

When you were growing up, did you learn to protect against the pain of not being loved, by disconnecting from your . . . → Read More: Do You Feel Connected With Your Partner and Others?

Do You Actually Know When You Are Acting as a Victim?

By Dr. Margaret Paul January 21, 2019

Most of us don’t like to think of ourselves as a victim. Yet, without realizing it, you might be seeing yourself as a victim, and you might be putting yourself in the position of being a victim.

Do you recognize any of these situations?

Someone . . . → Read More: Do You Actually Know When You Are Acting as a Victim?

Why Am I So Jealous and How Can I Stop?


Why Am I So Jealous and How Can I Stop?

By Dr. Margaret Paul January 07, 2019

You can heal your jealousy! Discover the underlying cause and how to heal it.

“My husband has become friends with the woman next door and when he talks with her, I feel crazy with jealousy. . . . → Read More: Why Am I So Jealous and How Can I Stop?

Who do you Want to be this Christmas?

By Dr. Margaret Paul

What kind of person do you want to be this Christmas? You get to choose!

Christmas is here and you get to decide who you want to be.

I don’t mean if you want to be Santa Claus. I mean what kind of person do you want . . . → Read More: Who do you Want to be this Christmas?

Relationships: Protection and Projection

By Dr. Margaret Paul December 17, 2018

“I think I’m an open person, but Sarah keeps telling me how closed I am. She gets furious when she wants to talk about our relationship and I don’t.”

Matthew, in his late 20s, and married to Sarah for 2 years, had consulted with me due to . . . → Read More: Relationships: Protection and Projection

The Selfishness of Self-Abandonment

By Dr. Margaret Paul November 19, 2018

Are you contributing to the darkness of our planet? Discover how you might inadvertently be doing this and what you can do about it.


Imagine a pond with sparkling clear water. Imagine that someone drops a small drop of black ink into the pond. You . . . → Read More: The Selfishness of Self-Abandonment