How Do You Try to Control Getting Love?

All of us learned, as young children, to try to have control over getting love and avoiding pain, but now these ways we’ve learned to control are often causing our pain and relationship problems. Discover some of the way you’ve learned to control and what you can do instead to create loving relationships. . . . → Read More: How Do You Try to Control Getting Love?

Healing Love and Approval Addiction

You CAN heal from love and approval addiction! Discover if you are love and approval addicted and begin to understand how to heal this. . . . → Read More: Healing Love and Approval Addiction

Healing Emotional Dependency

Are you tired of tap dancing as fast as you can to get the love, attention and approval that you believe you need to be okay? Learn how to move beyond emotional dependency and into personal power and emotional freedom. . . . → Read More: Healing Emotional Dependency

When Someone Rejects You, Who Are They Rejecting?

Discover the huge difference between being rejected for your wounded self or for your core Self, and begin to learn to manage rejection. . . . → Read More: When Someone Rejects You, Who Are They Rejecting?

Safety With an Open Heart

While you might believe that keeping your heart closed is the only way to feel safe, there is a far better way of feeling safe. . . . → Read More: Safety With an Open Heart


Discover how the heartbreak of your childhood causes emotional and physical problems today, and what you can do to heal. . . . → Read More: Heartbreak