Do you have problems having truly connected friendships?
Friendship is a big topic. There are people who always seem to have many friends, and others who can’t seem to find the way to make friends. Some people have deeply connected friendships, and others have only superficial acquaintances. What accounts for these differences?
Love is not something that can be described – it needs to be experienced, and when you experience it through loving yourself, you will know how to love.
We read many things about what love is and what it isn’t to help us understand love. But love is not something we can understand from our mind. Until we experience it, we don’t actually know what it is or how to experience it in our lives.
Is it love when a parent allows a baby to cry and cry, to get them on a schedule or get them to sleep? No!
Is it love when a parent hits a child and says, “I’m doing this because I love you”? Of course not.
Discover what you can do to give your relationship a chance.
Lauren asks:
“I have been married for 12 years, our marriage has always been a struggle of various forms. I have gotten to feel so empty and resentful that I can hardly look at my husband in the eye let alone be loving to him. I feel my inner self tell me its time to be done. But my mind tells me differently because of our wonderful children. Trying to find out if there is hope for our relationship or if I can truly feel love/intimacy for him without sacrificing my own health?”
Lauren, I don’t know enough about your relationship to know whether or not there is hope for your marriage, but what I do know is that there is much inner work for you to do before deciding that it’s time to leave. Continue reading “Is There Hope For Our Relationship?”
When you stay focused in your head, rather than being in your body with your feelings, and when you turn to various addictions such as substance, process, self-judgment, and love addiction, you are abandoning your feelings – abandoning your inner child – which creates emptiness. You might then turn to the very same self-abandoning actions in an attempt to avoid your emptiness – a vicious circle. Continue reading Filling Up Emptiness From The Inside
Do you believe that you want a relationship but never seem to find the ‘right one?’
Most people say they want to be in a relationship, yet they consistently do things that keep them from achieving this. If you answer yes to some of the questions on the following list, you might be relationship avoidant . . . → Read More: Are You Relationship -Avoidant?
Discover the major cause of relationship failure and what to do about it.
Most people, when asked if they want a loving relationship, will say that having a loving relationship is one of the two most important things to them – along with having work they love.