Self-Care: Are You Resistant to Health and Fitness?

Do you find yourself resisting or procrastinating taking loving care of yourself
Of course you want to be healthy and fit! Who doesn’t? But are you always motivated and willing to do what you need to do to create health and fitness? Are you motivated to:


Are You Stuck in One-Way Relationships?

Do you sometimes feel trapped with some who wants to be listened to but doesn’t want to listen to you?

One of the common complaints I hear from my clients is that they listen well but they end up just listening and never being heard.

This is the issue that Ginger wrote to me . . . → Read More: Are You Stuck in One-Way Relationships?

What if You Knew That You Are Never Alone?

Your spiritual guidance is always here for you, but you need to know how to access it. Connecting with Spirit is simple, but not always easy.

What if you knew that you are never alone – that you are always being guided by a personal source of spiritual guidance? If you knew and experienced . . . → Read More: What if You Knew That You Are Never Alone?

Are You Addicted to the Past?

Are you using the past to avoid feeling some current painful feelings?

I could see immediately, in the third Skype session I was having with Vicky, that she was feeling very sad.

“Vicky, what are you so sad about?”

“Since I’ve been learning Inner Bonding, I keep looking back and feeling so sad about . . . → Read More: Are You Addicted to the Past?

Is Your Inner Movie On or Off?

Are you ready to switch off your programmed inner movie and let Spirit guide you instead?

What’s playing on your inner movie? Your inner movie is the screen in your mind upon which you create various scenarios.

Perhaps the movie is “Reliving the Past.” Maybe it’s “Controlling the Future.” Is your movie stuck on . . . → Read More: Is Your Inner Movie On or Off?

Do You Make People Up?

Do you often see people as you want them to be rather than as they are? Has this caused you problems in your relationships?

“We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.” —Anais Nin

A variation on the above quote might be, “We don’t see people as they are – . . . → Read More: Do You Make People Up?