Does the fear of making a mistake immobilize you when you need to make a decision?
Do you ever have trouble making decisions? Which rug to buy for your floor? Which couch to choose? What color to paint your walls? What you feel like doing on your days off? What kind of work you . . . → Read More: Do You Have Trouble Making Decisions?
How often have you shared your feelings and the other person became angry and defensive?
How often have you heard that it’s good to “share your feelings”? How often have you shared your feelings and it backfired on you? Perhaps you find yourself saying “But I’m just sharing my feelings!”
Discover why any kind of engaging when someone is angry is a waste of energy.
“Rage can…shut off the hippocampus [linked to memory], and people with out-of-control anger may not be lying when they say they don’t recall what they said or did in that altered state of mind.” Mindsight, P.155 Daniel Siegel, M.D.
Do you allow your natural kindness to shine forth?
“Kindness is an inner desire that makes us want to do good things even if we do not get anything in return. It is the joy of our life to do them. When we do good things from this inner desire, there is kindness . . . → Read More: Where Kindness Comes From
Do you have the expectation that you will receive unconditional love from a partner?
Most of us would love the experience of being loved unconditionally by someone. This is the experience we needed when we were growing up, but most parents are not connected enough with themselves and their spiritual guidance to be able . . . → Read More: Is Unconditional Love Realistic?