Heal Your Aloneness with Inner Bonding®

Do you often feel alone, even when you are around others? Discover how to heal your aloneness with the 6 Steps of Inner Bonding.

Margaret Paul, Ph.D. is a best-selling author of 8 books, relationship expert, and co-creator of the powerful Inner Bonding® process – featured on Oprah. Are you are ready to . . . → Read More: Heal Your Aloneness with Inner Bonding®

Enmeshed Parenting

“Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself. They came through you but not from you and though they are with you yet they belong not to you.”
— Kahlil Gibran
Symptoms of enmeshed parenting:
  • Your children’s good or difficult behavior and successful or unsuccessful achievements define your worth.
  • Your children are the center of your life – your purpose in life.
  • Your focus is on taking care of your children rather than taking care yourself.
  • Your happiness or pain is determined by your children.
  • You are invasive – you need to know everything about what your children think and do.

If you identify with one or more of these symptoms, you might be enmeshed with your children.

Consequences for your children of you being enmeshed with them: Continue reading Enmeshed Parenting


“There’s Too Much To Do”

Do you ever feel stressed that there will never be enough time to get everything done? Listen to a conversation I had with my spiritual Guidance about this. . . . → Read More: “There’s Too Much To Do”

Beyond Emotional Dependency to Emotional Freedom with Inner Bonding®

Do you feel like a victim of others’ anger, rejection, or withdrawal? Do you need others’ approval to feel you are okay? Do you get thrown off by life events? Learn how to define your own worth and manage your feelings rather than being reactive and needy.

. . . → Read More: Beyond Emotional Dependency to Emotional Freedom with Inner Bonding®

Beyond Misery Junk!

Are you ready to move beyond misery? Learn about the junk that may be causing your misery. . . . → Read More: Beyond Misery Junk!

Relationships: “I’m Open, You’re Closed”

Are you in a relationship where you believe that you are open and your partner is closed? Read on! . . . → Read More: Relationships: “I’m Open, You’re Closed”