Are You Selling Your Soul?

You might not think you are selling your soul, but is this true?

What have you given up for money and possessions?

  • Have you given up kindness to get ahead?

  • Have you given up family time for a bigger TV?

  • Have you given up fun for a new car?

  • Have you given up hobbies for a promotion?

  • Have you given up vacations for prestige?

  • Have you given up helping others for a bigger house or a new car or a boat?

  • Have you given up leisure time for more money?

  • Have you given up yourself to get approval?

  • Have you given up your creativity for the bottom line? Continue reading Are You Selling Your Soul?


Are You Addicted to the Internet?

Do you get addictively stuck on the Internet and can’t seem to find your way out?

Our society provides many ways we can avoid our feelings addictively. Many people today are addicted to being on the Internet as one way of avoiding feeling an underlying pain that they believe they cannot manage feeling. Continue reading Are You Addicted to the Internet?

Is There Such A Thing As Sexual Addiction?

Is sexual addiction a real thing, or just an excuse for bad behavior?

In a recent article in Blogs, ( psychologist David Ley states in his new book, “The Myth of Sex Addiction,” that there is no such thing as sex addiction—that the term is just an excuse for bad behavior. I disagree with that position. In my view, the label of ‘addiction’ doesn’t excuse anything. That’s because my definition of addiction is anything we do to avoid taking responsibility for our feelings and the resulting behavior. Since my definition centers around choice, it is not about an illness that is ‘happening’ to you, and therefore cannot be used as an excuse.

In my experience, addictions are a result, not a cause. While they can cause many severe problems and even death, the underlying cause is the avoidance of responsibility for one’s own emotions, and sex addiction is no exception. Continue reading Is There Such A Thing As Sexual Addiction?


Heal Your Aloneness with Inner Bonding®

Do you often feel alone, even when you are around others? Discover how to heal your aloneness with the 6 Steps of Inner Bonding.

Margaret Paul, Ph.D. is a best-selling author of 8 books, relationship expert, and co-creator of the powerful Inner Bonding® process – featured on Oprah. Are you are ready to . . . → Read More: Heal Your Aloneness with Inner Bonding®

How I Healed My Food Addiction with Inner Bonding®

For years I struggled with compulsive eating, until I learned the secrets to permanent weight loss.

Margaret Paul, Ph.D. is a best-selling author of 8 books, relationship expert, and co-creator of the powerful Inner Bonding® process – featured on Oprah. Are you are ready to heal your pain and discover your joy? Click . . . → Read More: How I Healed My Food Addiction with Inner Bonding®

Life’s One achievable Goal

We all have many goals in life, and we may achieve some of them and not others. But there is one primary goal that is not only achievable, but is the very reason you are here on the planet. . . . → Read More: Life’s One achievable Goal