Self-Love: How Do You Express Your Love For Yourself?

Do you know what expressing love to yourself REALLY means? . . . → Read More: Self-Love: How Do You Express Your Love For Yourself?

Why Have Animals In Your Life

Discover the many good reasons for having animals in your life.

“Until a person has loved an animal a part of the soul remains unawakened.” ~Anatole France

People who love animals know that there are many very good reasons to have animals in your life.

Love and Presence

Animals who have been loved . . . → Read More: Why Have Animals In Your Life

Learning to Love Your Sacred Being

Do you know who you are in your essence? If you knew that your core Self, your essence, was a sacred being, an individualized expression of Spirit, would you treat yourself differently than you currently do?

There is a wonderful story about a king who went into a downtrodden village, a village with no schools, no libraries and no joy. He told the people of the village that he had just replaced one of their newborn babies with a royal child. He said that he was going to come back at some point to see how they were raising this royal child, and warned them that they had better do a good job. Since no one knew who the royal child was, each parent said to themselves, “Maybe it’s my child. I’d better be very loving with this child so the king will be happy.” Continue reading Learning to Love Your Sacred Being


“Is My Need For Attention Reasonable or Needy?”

Have you ever wondered if your desire to share time with a partner is coming from need or neediness?

Sometimes it’s a challenge to know what are reasonable relationship needs and when we are being needy.

Klarese is asking this important question:

“I am currently dating a wonderful person who I care about greatly. A challenge for me is his job is very demanding leaving us little time to spend together. I am aware my childhood triggers of abandonment are being tickled, however, I am having a difficult time figuring out if I am being reasonable or unreasonable with my need for attention. How do I discriminate between my codependent ‘needs’ and my true need to love and be loved while living my own fulfilled life?”

Each of us has the right to want whatever amount of attention we want in a relationship. Some people love to spend a lot of time together and others need less time together. There is nothing wrong with Klarese wanting more time with a partner. Continue reading “Is My Need For Attention Reasonable or Needy?”


How Are You and Your Partner Doing Together?

How is your relationship with your partner? What are the positive and negative aspects of your relationship?

What are the positive and negative aspects of your relationship?

When you and your partner are both operating as loving adults, you will experience many positive results. When one or both of you are operating from your wounded self, you will experience many negative results. Since no one is able to be a loving adult all the time, it is likely that you experience a combination of positives and negatives.


Positive: Sometimes or Always:


Longing For Connection

Are you longing for connection? Discover what you need to do to create loving connection with another.

Deeply connecting with another is one of the great joys of life, and is something most of us long for. Deep connection takes away loneliness and gives us the experience of being deeply known. We feel safe and loved when our hearts connect. Research indicates that the happiest people in the world are those who live in communities where they feel connected with each other.

Of course we long for connection when we don’t have it in our lives. But sometimes it seems elusive – even in committed relationships.

Larissa asked me, “Am I being needy when I am longing for connection with my spouse?”

A good question, and the answer is not simple.

If you are longing for connection with your spouse because you are feeling alone and empty inside and you hope that he will fill you up and make you feel worthy and lovable, then the answer is yes – you are being needy. Continue reading Longing For Connection
