Accepting What You Can't Control, Controlling What You Can

Accepting What You Can’t Control, Controlling What You Can

By Dr. Margaret Paul April 15, 2019

Coming to grips with what you can and can’t control opens the door to true emotional freedom and personal power.

I frequently receive questions about what to do in situations where someone is behaving in an . . . → Read More: Accepting What You Can’t Control, Controlling What You Can

5 Ways You Can Think You Are on a Spiritual Path, But Not Be

5 Ways You Can Think You Are on a Spiritual Path, But Not Be

April 08, 2019

If you are on a spiritual path, are you honest with yourself about your true intent?

“…The form our faith takes is less important than the love it imparts….The bedrock of spirituality is to learn . . . → Read More: 5 Ways You Can Think You Are on a Spiritual Path, But Not Be

Creating Safety

By Dr. Margaret Paul April 01, 2019

Which do you believe keeps you safer – your wounded self or your spiritual guidance?

As small children we all created our wounded self to try to feel safe in an unsafe environment. Our wounded self learned many different ways to try to feel safe. And these protections . . . → Read More: Creating Safety

Relationships: What to Say, When to Say it

By Dr. Margaret Paul March 25, 2019 Most people are not conscious of when they are in their wounded self. They generally don’t know when they are being needy, demanding, blaming, attacking, guilting, and so on. And, they often don’t accurately remember what they said and did while operating from their wounded self. . . . → Read More: Relationships: What to Say, When to Say it

Taking The Lid Off Your Feelings

By Dr. Margaret Paul March 17, 2019

For a moment, go back to being a little child and remember… remember an adult being unloving to you:

An adult (parent, other caregiver, teacher, relative, religious figure, or some other adult in authority) yells at you. An adult invalidates you. An adult ignores you. . . . → Read More: Taking The Lid Off Your Feelings

Attracting at Our Common Level of Woundedness

By Dr. Margaret Paul March 11, 2019

Are you attracting people who turn out to be very controlling or unavailable? Discover how you are attracting at your common level of woundedness.

I have often stated that we attract each other at our common level of woundedness or our common level of health, . . . → Read More: Attracting at Our Common Level of Woundedness