Do You Judge Your Feelings? Here is What to Do Instead

By Dr. Margaret Paul June 03, 2019

Judgments can block the vital information your feelings offer you, preventing the release of stress or pain that expression of some feelings provides.

Did you grow up being taught that feeling and expressing your feelings is wrong or bad – especially your painful feelings?

I often . . . → Read More: Do You Judge Your Feelings? Here is What to Do Instead

What’s Loving to Yourself – and What Isn’t?

By Dr. Margaret Paul May 28, 2019

Loving actions are often the opposite of actions that are self-abandoning.

Discovering the loving action toward ourselves in a particular situation – Step 4 of Inner Bonding – is a wonderful and creative process. However, since we have so few role models for loving action toward ourselves, . . . → Read More: What’s Loving to Yourself – and What Isn’t?

The Surprising Healing Power of the Loving Adult

By Dr. Margaret Paul May 20, 2019

Discover why you cannot heal without a spiritually connected loving adult.

Our loving adult is who we are when our intent is to learn about loving ourselves and others, and we are connected with our spiritual guidance. Before Inner Bonding, I practiced as a traditional psychotherapist, . . . → Read More: The Surprising Healing Power of the Loving Adult

Beyond Suffering: An Ah-Ha Moment!

By Dr. Margaret Paul May 13, 2019

Experience a powerful ah-ha moment – a moment of deep understanding about what healing is really about.

Allyson and Jonathan are sitting in front of me at a 5-Day Intensive. Married for 2 years, they have lost the passion and fun they once had, and they . . . → Read More: Beyond Suffering: An Ah-Ha Moment!

The Fear of Loving

The Fear of Loving

By Dr. Margaret Paul May 06, 2019

Loving holds within it the greatest joy and the greatest pain in life. Yet, without it, life is empty.

Love. We all want it. We develop many ways of trying to get love and be loved. From the time we are . . . → Read More: The Fear of Loving

Why Is Nothing Changing or Healing?

Len contacted me for Inner Bonding facilitation while he was going through a divorce. He had discovered Inner Bonding through a Google search and realized that what he was struggling with was self-abandonment.

Len was diligent in having sessions with me and in reading everything he could about Inner Bonding. Within a couple . . . → Read More: Why Is Nothing Changing or Healing?