Filling Up Emptiness From The Inside

Discover the cause of inner emptiness and what you need to do to feel full inside.

For many people, inner emptiness is a big problem. They believe that they can fill their emptiness from the outside, which is a false belief.

The cause of inner emptiness is a lack of a loving connection with your inner child – your essence, your true Self, your Being, which then results in an inability to share love with others. yourself and sharing your love with others is what creates fullness.

When you stay focused in your head, rather than being in your body with your feelings, and when you turn to various addictions such as substance, process, self-judgment, and love addiction, you are abandoning your feelings – abandoning your inner child – which creates emptiness. You might then turn to the very same self-abandoning actions in an attempt to avoid your emptiness – a vicious circle. Continue reading Filling Up Emptiness From The Inside


“Why Didn’t God Stop The Abuse?”

Have you ever wondered why God allows so much abuse, so much pain, so much war?

“God has no hands but these.” – Mother Theresa

I am often asked by my clients, “If God is all powerful, why didn’t he stop my father (or mother, or brother, or babysitter, or uncle or a stranger) . . . → Read More: “Why Didn’t God Stop The Abuse?”

The Foundation for Abundance

Are you aware of the vast difference between expressing gratitude from your ego wounded self or from your loving adult self?

“Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.”~Eckhart Tolle, Author of The Power of Now

How often do you feel genuinely grateful for what you have in your life?

There is a big difference between acting grateful and feeling genuine gratitude in your heart.

Our ego wounded self, which is the part of us that wants control over our feelings, others and outcomes, loves the idea of acting grateful as a way to have control over manifesting abundance. The wounded self wants to believe that rattling off affirmations and statements of gratitude will give it this control. Continue reading The Foundation for Abundance


Real Love Versus Infatuation

Do you know the difference between real love and infatuation? They are light years apart. . . . → Read More: Real Love Versus Infatuation

Who Am I?

Take a lesson from Elvis Presley: Learn to define your own worth, instead of having to ask others, “Who am I”

I recently attended a conference and one of the speakers was David Stanley, who lived with Elvis Presley as his stepbrother since David was four years old. His book, about his experiences with Elvis, called “Conversations With the King,” just got published. The book is co-authored by my good friend, Dr. David Gruder.

In the book, and in David Stanley’s presentation at the conference, we learn that Elvis constantly asked David, “Who am I?” He asked him this for the last time, just two days before he died.

According to David, Elvis was a very spiritual man, with profoundly powerful spiritual gifts. Yet, with all his gifts and talents and fame, he didn’t know how to discover who he was. As we all know, he was deeply drug-addicted, which eventually killed him. Continue reading Who Am I?


The Law of Love

I have learned over my 43 years of counseling that no one heals without a personal connection to a spiritual source of Guidance.

William was struggling with issues of shame and depression. He had struggled with feelings of insecurity and jealousy most of his life, despite years of inner work. While he intellectually knew that he was okay, emotionally he never felt it. This was his first phone session with me.

“William,” I asked, “what is your concept of God or a Higher Power?”

“Oh, you know, the traditional Judeo/Christian concept – an old dude up in the sky dishing out judgments.” Continue reading The Law of Love
