Obsessing, Ruminating, Worrying…Oh My!

By Dr. Margaret Paul August 05, 2019

Are you ready to move beyond obsessive ruminating and worry? Are you ready to move beyond fear, anxiety and depression? What works for me can work for you too!

I used to spend hours and even days ruminating about different things – a conflict with . . . → Read More: Obsessing, Ruminating, Worrying…Oh My!

Relationships: Avoiding the Line of Fire

By Dr. Margaret Paul July 29, 2019

Do you try to talk with someone when you already know he or she is closed? Consider NOT putting your inner child in the line of fire.

How often do you ask a question of or make a statement to a partner, co-worker, friend, or . . . → Read More: Relationships: Avoiding the Line of Fire

Asking For Support: Authentic Need Or Neediness?

There is often confusion between the authentic need for others’ support, and being needy. A member of Inner Bonding Village posted this question:

“Since doing couples therapy, it has come to light that I often don’t consider sharing sadness with my husband or asking for emotional support. The therapist said that it sounds like a scary . . . → Read More: Asking For Support: Authentic Need Or Neediness?

We Can’t Control Others, But Here’s How To Influence Them

By Dr. Margaret Paul July 08, 2019

Rather than trying to control others, which never works in the long run, learn how you can influence others.

“Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It is the only thing.” – Albert Schweitzer

Inner Bonding teaches that we have no control over . . . → Read More: We Can’t Control Others, But Here’s How To Influence Them

3 Underlying Reasons Why You Might Judge Others

Are you aware of often judging and criticizing others? Discover why you may be doing this and how Inner Bonding heals this.

I received the following request from a member of Inner Bonding Village:

“I was just thinking that it would be helpful to understand how Inner Bonding helps us with the . . . → Read More: 3 Underlying Reasons Why You Might Judge Others

Do You Judge Your Feelings? Here is What to Do Instead

By Dr. Margaret Paul June 03, 2019

Judgments can block the vital information your feelings offer you, preventing the release of stress or pain that expression of some feelings provides.

Did you grow up being taught that feeling and expressing your feelings is wrong or bad – especially your painful feelings?

I often . . . → Read More: Do You Judge Your Feelings? Here is What to Do Instead