Relationships: Protection and Projection

By Dr. Margaret Paul December 17, 2018

“I think I’m an open person, but Sarah keeps telling me how closed I am. She gets furious when she wants to talk about our relationship and I don’t.”

Matthew, in his late 20s, and married to Sarah for 2 years, had consulted with me due to . . . → Read More: Relationships: Protection and Projection

The Selfishness of Self-Abandonment

By Dr. Margaret Paul November 19, 2018

Are you contributing to the darkness of our planet? Discover how you might inadvertently be doing this and what you can do about it.


Imagine a pond with sparkling clear water. Imagine that someone drops a small drop of black ink into the pond. You . . . → Read More: The Selfishness of Self-Abandonment

Relationships: Are You Dependent and/or Codependent?

By Dr. Margaret Paul [ 4 Hit(s) ] November 11, 2018

We discover our level of dependency and codependency as we open to learning and practice Inner Bonding.

Without judging yourself, open to learning about your level of dependency – needing others to feel that you are okay, and codependency – taking responsibility . . . → Read More: Relationships: Are You Dependent and/or Codependent?

Loving Yourself means ‘Owning It!’

Years ago I heard my guidance say to me, “Own it!”

“What do you mean by own it?” I asked. “Own what?”

No answer.


What Owning It Means…

It took me quite a few years to understand what “Own it!” means. Now I know that it means to fully own my own life, . . . → Read More: Loving Yourself means ‘Owning It!’

Loving Yourself Enough to Create Balance In Your Life

I’m certain that many of you can relate to the following question from Serena:

“I’ve noticed I’m extreme. When I look after my heath I don’t allow myself any unhealthy food, but after a few months I get fed up with being cautious and then I eat only processed food. I know it’s wrong . . . → Read More: Loving Yourself Enough to Create Balance In Your Life

Are You Afraid to Love?

This question was asked by Jillian in one of my webinars:

“I really want to learn how to love my boyfriend, who has been showing care and love toward me. However I have fears of being taken advantage of and of being subjected to his unloving behaviors. So I feel very tight at my . . . → Read More: Are You Afraid to Love?