Do You Believe You Are Worthy of Love?

Do you sometimes find yourself resisting receiving love because you believe you don’t deserve it?

Have you ever heard yourself say, “I’m not worthy of love,” or “I’m not worth loving,” or “I’m unworthy of God’s love”? I frequently hear this from my clients. Do you find yourself in resistance to receiving love – . . . → Read More: Do You Believe You Are Worthy of Love?

Do You Know How To Love?

Love is not something that can be described – it needs to be experienced, and when you experience it through loving yourself, you will know how to love.

We read many things about what love is and what it isn’t to help us understand love. But love is not something we can understand from our mind. Until we experience it, we don’t actually know what it is or how to experience it in our lives.

Is it love when a parent allows a baby to cry and cry, to get them on a schedule or get them to sleep? No!

Is it love when a parent hits a child and says, “I’m doing this because I love you”? Of course not.

Continue reading Do You Know How To Love?


“Why Didn’t God Stop The Abuse?”

Have you ever wondered why God allows so much abuse, so much pain, so much war?

“God has no hands but these.” – Mother Theresa

I am often asked by my clients, “If God is all powerful, why didn’t he stop my father (or mother, or brother, or babysitter, or uncle or a stranger) . . . → Read More: “Why Didn’t God Stop The Abuse?”

The Fear of Being Duped

Is being duped something you avoid at all costs, or are you willing to be duped in order to keep your heart open?

No one likes being duped. It feels awful to realize that someone has pulled the wool over our eyes – that we were so naïve we didn’t see that we were being duped, lied to or taken advantage of.

However, since this painful experience happens to most of us at one time or another, we each have a choice – will we make protecting ourselves from being duped our highest priority, or will we make being open and loving more important than whether or not we get duped?

I have found in my work with clients that the fear of being duped or taken advantage of is often in the way of being loving to themselves and others. They are so afraid of being taken advantage of that they close their heart, keeping their walls up to protect themselves from the possibility of being duped. Continue reading The Fear of Being Duped


Are You Hiding?

“The art of living lies not in eliminating but in growing with troubles.” ~ Bernard M. Baruch

“How can I get this pain to go away?”

This is often what clients who seek my help ask me in a first session. Because they have never learned to manage and learn from their pain, they want to avoid it, eliminate it – find a way to hide from it.

The problem is that they have been unsuccessfully hiding from their pain for years by abandoning themselves – by staying focused in their head rather than their body, hoping that if they avoid feeling their feelings, the feelings will go away. They have been judging their feelings and turning to various addictions for the same reason.

When trouble comes, which it inevitably does, they intensify their avoidance of their feelings. Continue reading Are You Hiding?


Inspirational Video: Let Joy Be Your Guide

Spirit has gifted us with an unerring guide to keep us on track with what is true and loving to ourselves and others. Watching this 1 minute movie, “Let Joy Be Your Guide,” will remind you of this gift.