Do You Put Pressure on Yourself?

Pressuring yourself might be causing resistance, stress, anxiety, physical pain, insomnia and even illness.

How many of you put a lot of pressure on yourself? How often do you feel anxious because of this pressure? How often do you have trouble sleeping because you feel so pressured?

I was having a Skype session with . . . → Read More: Do You Put Pressure on Yourself?


Are you shy? Is your shyness getting in the way of your connection with others?

Have you struggled with being a shy person?

Lily asks:

“I try hard to overcome my shyness and reluctance to stand out, speak up and shine. It’s a daily struggle for me. I make small progress, but can . . . → Read More: Shyness

Do You Know How To Love?

Love is not something that can be described – it needs to be experienced, and when you experience it through loving yourself, you will know how to love.

We read many things about what love is and what it isn’t to help us understand love. But love is not something we can understand from our mind. Until we experience it, we don’t actually know what it is or how to experience it in our lives.

Is it love when a parent allows a baby to cry and cry, to get them on a schedule or get them to sleep? No!

Is it love when a parent hits a child and says, “I’m doing this because I love you”? Of course not.

Continue reading Do You Know How To Love?


Does Your Partner Judge You In Front Of Others?

Do you get stuck not knowing what to say or do when your partner treats you disrespectfully?

Louise asked me:

“Do you have any suggestions on what to say when my husband says unloving words to me in front of others, including our children? I don’t want my kids to keep witnessing disrespectful behavior toward their mother. When I challenge his treatment of me, his anger escalates and the chastisement worsens. I am frequently embarrassed when I am scolded like this in front of others, but more importantly, I wish my children to understand that this is not ok. How can I model what to say to him so that my kids can learn how to take loving care of themselves in such situations?”

Continue reading Does Your Partner Judge You In Front Of Others?


Why Can’t I Commit?

Do you have problems committing to a relationship, or are you involved with someone who has a fear of commitment?

Louis wrote to me:

“I have been dating an amazing girl, but recently ended it because I am not sure if she is good for me. Our relationship has been very dramatic, partially due . . . → Read More: Why Can’t I Commit?

Are You Confused About Boundaries in Relationships?

Many people confuse boundaries – which are a way of taking loving care of yourself – with controlling behavior toward others.

Marilee told me in one of our early phone sessions: “I set a boundary. I told him that he couldn’t speak to me that way any more.”

Jackson said to me in one of our early Skype sessions: “I earn the money. My girlfriend doesn’t work, but loves to spend the money I earn. So I set a boundary. I told her that she had to stop spending so much money and racking up credit card bills.”

Both of these people are confused about what a boundary is. They think a boundary is something they set for someone else, but they are wrong.

A boundary is something you set for yourself. Continue reading Are You Confused About Boundaries in Relationships?
