Letting Go Of A Sugar Addiction

Have you tried unsuccessfully to heal a sugar addiction? Here’s how!

Are you sugar addicted? You are not alone!

I used to be intensely sugar addicted. I craved it all the time, and it seems like the more I ate, the more I wanted it. The fact that it made me feel terrible – first I’d feel the high and then I’d crash and feel spaced out – didn’t faze me. I wanted my sugar. Just before I started to clean up my diet in my early 20s, I lived with my aunt, and I used to sneak frozen cake from her freezer – little pieces at a time, hoping she wouldn’t notice!

Then I started to read about nutrition and realized how toxic sugar is for our bodies. I used a lot of willpower to stop eating sugar, and I mostly succeeded, but the craving didn’t go away. One time about 30 years ago, I went off sugar completely for two years. After a few months, the cravings lessened, but then after two years I made the mistake of thinking I was cured. A bite of sugar and all the craving returned. Continue reading Letting Go Of A Sugar Addiction


Addicted to Porn?

Are you addicted to porn and not feeling good about it? Discover the likely underlying cause and what to do about it.

I received the following question when I was conducting a webinar on sexual addiction:

“I have had a pornography addiction since I was a teenager. I am now in my mid 30’s. For the past four months I have abstained through Inner Child work, but two days ago I visited a porn site and masturbated. I feel really sad about this. What is the best way to address this?”

Pornography addiction is quite common. At one of my Five-Day Couples’ Intensives, one of the men was working on his porn addiction and was feeling embarrassed about it. In an effort to help him, I asked, “How many of you are addicted to porn?” Among the six couples there, four of the men raised their hands. Continue reading Addicted to Porn?


How do you Make Others Responsible for Your Painful Feelings?

We have all learned many ways of trying to avoid or get rid of our painful feelings. Many of these ways are fairly obvious: addictions to substances and activities, staying in your mind rather than in your body, or judging yourself.

Another major way we avoid or try to get rid of our painful feelings is making others responsible for them in various ways. When we are filled with painful feelings and are not open to our Guidance to help us learn from them and release them, we might dump them on others in various ways, in an effort to release them. How do you dump your feelings onto another? Continue reading How do you Make Others Responsible for Your Painful Feelings?


Press Release: SelfQuest® Self Healing CD: Healing from Anxiety, Depression, Guilt, Shame, and Relationship Conflict

Just released! See the Press Release about SelfQuest®!

After 12 years in development, bestselling authors Dr. Margaret Paul and Dr. Erika Chopich released a software program that helps people heal. Called a ‘psychologist in a software program’ SelfQuest is a self healing CD to help you find joy, fulfillment, and loving . . . → Read More: Press Release: SelfQuest® Self Healing CD: Healing from Anxiety, Depression, Guilt, Shame, and Relationship Conflict

Healing Addictions with Inner Bonding®

Addictions are a way of filling the inner emptiness that comes from self-abandonment and a lack of spiritual connection. Discover how the practice of Inner Bonding® is the ultimate way of healing addictions. . . . → Read More: Healing Addictions with Inner Bonding®

Core Sadness vs. Wounded Sadness

Discover the vast difference between core sadness and wounded sadness, and what causes each. . . . → Read More: Core Sadness vs. Wounded Sadness