Loving Yourself Heals Resistance

Have you ever experienced any of these situations?

Your project at work is due on Friday. Today is Wednesday and you’ve been procrastinating. There is no way of getting it done on time. You are supposed to meet a colleague for lunch. It’s an important meeting but you realize that you are going to . . . → Read More: Loving Yourself Heals Resistance

Self-Love In The Face Of Betrayal

Have you felt betrayed? Learn how to love yourself through this extremely challenging experience. . . . → Read More: Self-Love In The Face Of Betrayal

How To Love Yourself When Someone Is Being A Victim

Do you know how to love yourself in the face of someone complaining to you and being a victim? . . . → Read More: How To Love Yourself When Someone Is Being A Victim

Do You Fear Happiness?

Do you fear feeling happy because of the pain that might follow?

I’m certain that if someone asked you if you want to be happy, you would say “Yes, of course!” Yet research indicates that many people have a fear of happiness. Anna North, in an article entitled “Beware of Joy”, states that, “Fear of happiness is that creeping feeling that you shouldn’t get too comfortable, because something bad is bound to happen.”

I wouldn’t call this a fear of happiness. I would call it a fear of pain. It’s not the happiness that people want to avoid, but the pain that they fear will follow it.

The article goes on to state that, “At Scientific American, Tori Rodriguez looks at the downsides of fear of happiness: Continue reading Do You Fear Happiness?


Do You Remember What You Say When You are Enraged?

Discover why any kind of engaging when someone is angry is a waste of energy.

“Rage can…shut off the hippocampus [linked to memory], and people with out-of-control anger may not be lying when they say they don’t recall what they said or did in that altered state of mind.” Mindsight, P.155 Daniel Siegel, M.D.

Have . . . → Read More: Do You Remember What You Say When You are Enraged?

“Why Didn’t God Stop The Abuse?”

Have you ever wondered why God allows so much abuse, so much pain, so much war?

“God has no hands but these.” – Mother Theresa

I am often asked by my clients, “If God is all powerful, why didn’t he stop my father (or mother, or brother, or babysitter, or uncle or a stranger) . . . → Read More: “Why Didn’t God Stop The Abuse?”