The Power of Appreciating Yourself

Do you often feel unappreciated?

“I’m a very nice person. I’m a good guy and I do nice things for people, but they never seem to appreciate me, and I feel angry about that,” said Martin in one of our first phone sessions.

For me, this statement holds much information regarding how Martin . . . → Read More: The Power of Appreciating Yourself

“Why Do I Seem to Attract Rejection?”

Are you perplexed regarding why you so often feel rejected by others?

Alana asked me the following question:

“My whole life I have felt that I don’t fit in with others – in my family, school, work – and while I have a pleasant, friendly demeanor, I also have an underlying self-consciousness, and . . . → Read More: “Why Do I Seem to Attract Rejection?”

Why Can't I Forgive Myself For My Mistakes?

Do you judge yourself for the past? Discover why and what to do about it.

Brianna wrote to me, asking:

“I am having a difficult time forgiving myself of past mistakes and it feels like it haunts me every morning and I get bogged down in swirling thoughts which only holds me back . . . → Read More: Why Can’t I Forgive Myself For My Mistakes?

“I Lose Myself Around Others”

Have you wondered why you are often able to take loving care of yourself when you are alone but you lose yourself in relationships? Discover the answer now!

Do you find that you take loving care of yourself when you are alone, but that you lose yourself with someone you are attracted to, . . . → Read More: “I Lose Myself Around Others”

“How Can I Let Love In?”

Do you want to share love, but find yourself pulling away or pushing others away?

Do you find yourself wanting love but being afraid to really open to it? This is the situation Marley finds herself in:

“How can I do a better job of letting love in and sharing love? I seem . . . → Read More: “How Can I Let Love In?”

Change Your Life With This Simple Act

Do you understand the power of kindness to change your life?

“Extend to each person, no matter how trivial the contact, all the care and kindness and understanding and love that you can muster, and do it with no thought of any reward. Your life will never be the same again.” Og Mandino, 1923-1996, . . . → Read More: Change Your Life With This Simple Act