Why Racism?

Discover some of the underlying causes of racism and what is necessary to heal this scourge of our society.

I do not pretend to be an expert on what causes a person to be a racist, but I would like to explore some ideas based on the principles of Inner Bonding.

Those of you . . . → Read More: Why Racism?

No Sex in Your Relationship? Discover Why!

Do you and your partner have conflicts over sex?

Does your relationship suffer from a lack of sex? Aside from the problems of premature ejaculation, impotence, and lack of orgasm — which can often be handled through sexual therapy and education — I have found that there are two common sexual problems in committed . . . → Read More: No Sex in Your Relationship? Discover Why!

Do You Have Trouble Making Decisions?

Does the fear of making a mistake immobilize you when you need to make a decision?

Do you ever have trouble making decisions? Which rug to buy for your floor? Which couch to choose? What color to paint your walls? What you feel like doing on your days off? What kind of work you . . . → Read More: Do You Have Trouble Making Decisions?

When It’s Loving To Share Your Feelings…And When It’s Not

How often have you shared your feelings and the other person became angry and defensive?

How often have you heard that it’s good to “share your feelings”? How often have you shared your feelings and it backfired on you? Perhaps you find yourself saying “But I’m just sharing my feelings!”

The problem is that . . . → Read More: When It’s Loving To Share Your Feelings…And When It’s Not

Politicians Need Inner Bonding!

How would our country change if politicians had to learn to love themselves and others before taking office?

What if politicians had to be mentally evaluated before running for office? How many of them would pass as being emotionally stable and healthy?

What difference might it make for our country if all politicians had . . . → Read More: Politicians Need Inner Bonding!

Do You Remember What You Say When You are Enraged?

Discover why any kind of engaging when someone is angry is a waste of energy.

“Rage can…shut off the hippocampus [linked to memory], and people with out-of-control anger may not be lying when they say they don’t recall what they said or did in that altered state of mind.” Mindsight, P.155 Daniel Siegel, M.D.

Have . . . → Read More: Do You Remember What You Say When You are Enraged?