“Inner Bonding has helped me to evolve in my courage to love…” Alanis Morissette
“The essential tools for achieving inner peace, joy and fulfillment” John Gray, Men Are from Mars…
“What if there was a single process that could solve all the issues with which we struggle?” Lindsay Wagner
“It is one thing to behold the wisdom and quite another to be able to use it. A treasure indeed.”
Neale Donald Walsch
“…teaches the value of stepping into a new spiritual paradigm – into love and trust of self, others, and God” Jack Canfield
Have you tried everything to feel good about yourself but you still experience feelings of unworthiness and inadequacy?
Inner Bonding is a powerful psychological and spiritual process for healing anxiety, depression, addictions and failed relationships.
Inner Bonding heals the pervasive pattern of self-abandonment/shame that is the underlying cause of these issues.
Are you tired of failed relationships and jobs that don’t fulfill your dreams, or are problems with spouses, partners, friends, family or co-workers causing you stress?
Inner Bonding shows you how to love yourself, even through challenging times, so you can truly experience love with those closest to you.
Do you turn to various addictions because you don’t know any other way of managing your painful feelings?
Inner Bonding enables you to lovingly manage all painful feelings without turning to addictions.
Welcome! Come walk with me as I guide you through healing your pain and into the freedom and joy of learning to love yourself and share your love with others.
Learn more about my
individual and conjoint Skype and telephone counseling sessions.

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FREE Inner Bonding® Journal –
with an inspiration, links to two
free articles weekly, and other
valuable information.
“I can’t even begin to describe what this [IB Village] means to me, having spent most of my life … feeling all alone in the world. I don’t anymore. This is a gift too deep for me to be able to describe in words.” –Anonymous Member
Love Yourself: A 30-Day Inner Bonding Experience
Are you ready to free yourself of fear, anxiety and depression, guilt, shame, addictions and relationship problems?
–Kathleen Wood Howe, Kettering, OH
Intimate Relationship Toolbox:
A 12-Week e-Course.
The first two weeks are free!
Dr. Margaret’s Permanent Weight Loss 12-Week e-Course
Resolve your weight issues at the deepest level -the level of the emptiness and aloneness that create compulsive eating.
–J.D., Evanston,IL
Inner Bonding Weekend Workshop
The Inner Bonding Workshop offers a definitive technology for developing a spiritually-connected loving inner Adult that becomes the loving parent to ourselves that we may have never had.
Southern California Weekend Workshop, 4.14
–Heather Neely,State Trooper, Las Vegas,NV
Iennr Bonding 5-Day Intensive Retreat – for individuals and couples
Dr. Margaret Paul quickly sees exactly how you are treating yourself that is causing your suffering and gently guides you in learning to love yourself and others, rather than continue to abandon yourself.
Santa Barbara Intensive, 2.12
–Jim Broughton,Director Minneapolis,MN“Margaret, I am sending you an immense amount of love and gratitude for all that IB has taught me so far, and continues to teach me each and every day! Ever since the Colorado Intensive, my life has opened up. I have a new job. And I also have found love! … I thank you for…guiding me to become who I am capable of being.”
Colorado Intensive, 6.12
–Betsy White,Teacher, Green Bay,WI
Unlocking Your Inner Wisdom
A 30-Day at-Home Experience with Dr. Margaret Paul – to Connect With or Deepen Your Connection With Your Spiritual Guidance and Learn The Art of Manifestation
I find the information to be very powerful!!”
–Kimberly Ross
Wildly, Deeply, Joyously in Love
For partnered individuals and couples,
and people who want to be partnered
–G. Brown
Attracting your Beloved: A 30-Day At-Home Course
A 30-Day At-Home Experience
to Learn How to Attract the Love of your Life – With Dr. Margaret Paul
“I am thrilled and yet calm – not experiencing any of the previous senses of panic or fear because I know, come what may, I will never lose me again. I’m in no doubt that this has happened due to the inner work I have undertaken since discovering Inner Bonding…”
– Annie
Passionate Purpose, Vibrant Health! A 30-Day at Home Experience
A 30-Day at-home experience
to discover your passionate purpose, enhance creativity, and
create a joyful, vibrantly healthy life – With Dr. Margaret Paul