Are you resistant to loving yourself? Are you winning the battle but losing the war – and losing yourself?
When Cecily was seven years old and her mother was beating her, she made a deep and profound decision: “I will not let her win. I . . . → Read More: Resistance: Wanting Freedom but Staying Stuck
We seem to be living in a time when authenticity and transparency are not highly valued. We have only to look at government and many government agencies such as the FDA, politics, the military, big corporations, some religious leaders, drug companies, insurance companies and the media to see that manipulation and lies are the norm. Many of us have naturally come to mistrust much of what is being said in the media.
People become inauthentic when they have something to hide, and they are transparent when they are coming from integrity.
Are you distressed about how often others are disrespectful to you? Discover why this may be happening and what you can do about it. . . . → Read More: Gaining Others’ Respect
Listen to Dr. Margaret Paul's interview with Alanis Morissette