Are you resistant to loving yourself? Are you winning the battle but losing the war – and losing yourself?
When Cecily was seven years old and her mother was beating her, she made a deep and profound decision: “I will not let her win. I . . . → Read More: Resistance: Wanting Freedom but Staying Stuck
When someone does something that scares or hurts you, do you lovingly manage your pain or do try to control them?
When I was a very young child, I quickly learned to jump out of myself whenever my mother was angry at me – which . . . → Read More: What Do You Do When Someone Hurts You?
The disturbing lack of a personal spiritual connection that many experience has huge ramifications for our planet.
How are we doing as inhabitants of this beautiful planet? Sometimes we need to take stock of ourselves – personally, nationally and globally. On a personal level, do the majority of us see life as a sacred . . . → Read More: Inner Disconnection = Planetary Disconnection
Sometimes we are clueless regarding the subtle ways we are trying to control, while being very aware of a partner’s controlling behavior.
Tara asked me the following question:
“Dear Dr. Paul, How do you reach your spouse if they are narcissistic and shut down emotionally? He does not say anything when Iexplain inner bonding, intent or control – just stares. Even if I declare my love for him and my wish to be closer, he just nods his head! He is the son of narcissist father and borderline mother who both stepped out of his life when we married, He sees no reason to forgive anyone and he is not only defensive – he is offensive!!! Any conversation he must be in control. Help!!”
Tara, I’m going to make the assumption that you knew some of these things about him before marrying him, or that you got swept off your feet by the narcissistic charm and didn’t take the time you needed to really know him before marrying him. Continue reading Can I Change A Narcissist?
Do you sometimes feel like you try to give your partner the connection he or she wants and can’t figure out how?
I was having a Skype session with Andrea and Lawrence. Married for 18 years with two teen-age children, their marriage was strained. When I asked Lawrence how things were going between them, his answer was the same as always: “Fine.” When I asked Andrea the same question, she got a pained look on her face. “Things are okay, but not great. I’m lonely with Lawrence so much of the time. We just can’t seem to connect.”