The Fear of Being Duped

Is being duped something you avoid at all costs, or are you willing to be duped in order to keep your heart open?

No one likes being duped. It feels awful to realize that someone has pulled the wool over our eyes – that we were so naïve we didn’t see that we were being duped, lied to or taken advantage of.

However, since this painful experience happens to most of us at one time or another, we each have a choice – will we make protecting ourselves from being duped our highest priority, or will we make being open and loving more important than whether or not we get duped?

I have found in my work with clients that the fear of being duped or taken advantage of is often in the way of being loving to themselves and others. They are so afraid of being taken advantage of that they close their heart, keeping their walls up to protect themselves from the possibility of being duped. Continue reading The Fear of Being Duped


Inspirational Video: What Brings You Joy To Give?

Giving to others from a full heart brings great joy. Watching this 1 minute movie, “What Brings You Joy To Give?,” will remind you of what you enjoy giving to others.

Margaret Paul, Ph.D. is a best-selling author of 8 books, relationship expert, and co-creator of the powerful Inner Bonding® process – featured . . . → Read More: Inspirational Video: What Brings You Joy To Give?

Inspirational Video: The Gift of Tears

We cannot shut down our pain without also shutting down our love and joy. Watching this 1 minute movie, “The Gift of Tears,” will inspire you to keep your heart open to all feelings.

Margaret Paul, Ph.D. is a best-selling author of 8 books, relationship expert, and co-creator of the powerful Inner Bonding® . . . → Read More: Inspirational Video: The Gift of Tears

Inspirational Video: You Are ‘There’ When You Care

Do you often wonder when you will ‘get there?’ Watching this 1 minute movie, “You Are ‘There’ When You Care,” will remind you that, at any moment you chose to care, you’ve arrived.

Margaret Paul, Ph.D. is a best-selling author of 8 books, relationship expert, and co-creator of the powerful Inner Bonding® process . . . → Read More: Inspirational Video: You Are ‘There’ When You Care

Inspirational Video: Today, Learn About Love

Are you remembering to learn about love each day? Watching this 1 minute movie, “Today, Learn About Love,” will remind you of why you are on the planet.

Margaret Paul, Ph.D. is a best-selling author of 8 books, relationship expert, and co-creator of the powerful Inner Bonding® process – featured on Oprah, and . . . → Read More: Inspirational Video: Today, Learn About Love

Inspirational Video: Make A Difference

Have you ever wondered how you can make a difference on the planet?  Watching this 1 minute movie, “Make A Difference!,” will help you discover how you can make a difference to others each day.

Margaret Paul, Ph.D. is a best-selling author of 8 books, relationship expert, and co-creator of the powerful Inner . . . → Read More: Inspirational Video: Make A Difference