Is there one thing that is the primary cause of emotional suffering? Yes! Discover the one choice that underlies your emotional suffering. . . . → Read More: A Major Cause of Emotional Suffering
Is there one thing that is the primary cause of emotional suffering? Yes! Discover the one choice that underlies your emotional suffering. . . . → Read More: A Major Cause of Emotional Suffering Even if you lose weight, do you keep it off? Discover the underlying cause of the cycle of losing and gaining, and what you can do to permanently lose weight. If you ask almost any overweight person, “Do you really want to lose weight?” the answer is likely, “Yes, I would love to lose . . . → Read More: Love Yourself to Weight Loss Discover that stress is NOT being caused primarily by people or situations, but by your own thoughts and actions. We tend to think of stress as something that occurs because of outside events, such as having financial problems, relationship problems, health problems, or from having too much to do. Certainly events such as these . . . → Read More: A Major Cause of Stress A major aspect of loving yourself is taking the loving action suggested by your spiritual guidance. I cannot even begin to tell you how much my life has changed since I’ve been following the advice of my guidance rather than my ego wounded self. Here are just a few of the changes that have occurred . . . → Read More: Loving Yourself By Following Your Guidance What comes to mind when you think about the holidays? Do you groan, feeling burdened by all you have to do? Do you dread going shopping for gifts or cleaning up after Christmas or Chanukah or Kwanzaa or other holiday celebrations? Or, do you feel a sense of fun, delight, and joy in the . . . → Read More: Holidays: Fraught or Fun? Years ago I heard my guidance say to me, “Own it!” “What do you mean by own it?” I asked. “Own what?” No answer.
What Owning It Means… It took me quite a few years to understand what “Own it!” means. Now I know that it means to fully own my own life, . . . → Read More: Loving Yourself means ‘Owning It!’ |
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