Do You Feel Invisible To Your Partner?

Do You Feel Invisible To Your Partner?

By Dr. Margaret Paul April 05, 2021

Do your conversations with your partner feel like a one-way street?

Many of us have the experience of feeling unseen and unheard by our partner.

For example, Kristy asks:

“My partner is a good sharer and easily talks . . . → Read More: Do You Feel Invisible To Your Partner?

Getting Over Fights

Getting Over Fights

By Dr. Margaret Paul [ 1724 Hit(s) ] March 08, 2021

Do you get over fights with a partner quickly, or does it take you a long time to get over them?

Most couples fight at times. This is generally not a problem unless they fight unfairly, hitting below . . . → Read More: Getting Over Fights

Should I Stay, or Should I Leave?

By Dr. Margaret Paul February 19, 2021

Heather asked the following question:

“My boyfriend and I are on a two-month break, and during this time I realized that I have been trying to fix my boyfriend so that he would be the loving adult to me. I have been abandoning myself for . . . → Read More: Should I Stay, or Should I Leave?

The One New Year's Resolution I Hope You Make...And Keep

By Dr. Margaret Paul December 30, 2019

This one New Year’s resolution can change your life, heal your relationships, create health and well being, and heal our planet.

One of the most important aspects of Inner Bonding is opening to a compassionate intention to learn. I think a lot about love and . . . → Read More: The One New Year’s Resolution I Hope You Make…And Keep

Are You Perpetuating a Controlling Relationship System?

By Dr. Margaret Paul December 14, 2020

Do you wonder why you often have the same conflicts over and over? Discover what you are doing to perpetuate this.

For example, Sadie found herself in the same interaction over and over with her husband, Benjamin. The interaction would go something like this: Most . . . → Read More: Are You Perpetuating a Controlling Relationship System?

“How Do I Ask For What I Need?”

By Dr. Margaret Paul November 30, 2020

Have you often wondered how to ask for what you want in a way that is not experienced as demanding or needy?

In a healthy, loving relationship, partners ask each other for what they need, and generally receive a caring response. But sometimes this can . . . → Read More: “How Do I Ask For What I Need?”