Have you often wondered how to ask for what you want in a way that is not experienced as demanding or needy?
In a healthy, loving relationship, partners ask each other for what they need, and generally receive a caring response. But sometimes this can . . . → Read More: “How Do I Ask For What I Need?”
Are you being selfish if you do what brings you joy, even if others don’t like it? Do you feel trapped, believing you can’t really take loving care of yourself without being unloving to others?
Frequently, when I start to work with a new client, they believe that loving their self is selfish. Nothing could be further from the truth. A more accurate definition of selfish is expecting others to give themselves up and do for you what you can and need to be doing for yourself.
Letting Others Off The Hook
How are others let off the hook when you love yourself? Let us count the ways!
• Others don’t need to read your mind when you are meeting many of your own needs, and asking outright when there is something you need help with.