Why Can't I Forgive Myself For My Mistakes?

Do you judge yourself for the past? Discover why and what to do about it.

Brianna wrote to me, asking:

“I am having a difficult time forgiving myself of past mistakes and it feels like it haunts me every morning and I get bogged down in swirling thoughts which only holds me back . . . → Read More: Why Can’t I Forgive Myself For My Mistakes?

“My Wife Won’t Have Sex With Me “

Is sex mostly gone out of your relationship? There are always good reasons for this.

Do you identify with Lawrence, whose wife won’t have sex with him? In my work with individuals and couples, I often hear this complaint. Lawrence asks:

“Would you please address how one deals with the anger, frustration, hurt, etc., . . . → Read More: “My Wife Won’t Have Sex With Me “

“I Want To Open But I’m Scared of Getting Hurt.”

Are you afraid to open your heart to love, for fear of getting hurt? Learn how to lovingly manage the hurt.

Is it possible to fully love without getting hurt? The answer is unequivocally NO!

Is this because love hurts? Again, the answer is NO!

It is not love that hurts. It’s loss of . . . → Read More: “I Want To Open But I’m Scared of Getting Hurt.”

“Divorced and Reconciled – But It’s Not Working”

After reconciling with your partner, do you find yourself back in the same pattern?

Nancy wrote to me asking the following question:

“My husband and I were married for 15 years. Divorced. Reconciled after 9 months and re-married. I am having second thoughts about the reconciliation and I’ve become introverted with no desire to communicate or be close. I feel very protective of my personal affairs and feelings. The more he pushes the farther away I remove myself from the relationship. I feel the relationship is severely co-dependent. How do we break the co-dependency? What steps can I take to figure out why my need to protect is so extreme?”

Nancy, it sounds like the underlying issue is that your husband wants to have control over how you feel about him, and you are in resistance to being controlled. As long as controlling and not being controlled is the intent governing your relationship, your relationship cannot heal. Continue reading “Divorced and Reconciled – But It’s Not Working”


“I Lose Myself Around Others”

Have you wondered why you are often able to take loving care of yourself when you are alone but you lose yourself in relationships? Discover the answer now!

Do you find that you take loving care of yourself when you are alone, but that you lose yourself with someone you are attracted to, . . . → Read More: “I Lose Myself Around Others”

“How Can I Let Love In?”

Do you want to share love, but find yourself pulling away or pushing others away?

Do you find yourself wanting love but being afraid to really open to it? This is the situation Marley finds herself in:

“How can I do a better job of letting love in and sharing love? I seem . . . → Read More: “How Can I Let Love In?”