Why Am I So Jealous and How Can I Stop?


Why Am I So Jealous and How Can I Stop?

By Dr. Margaret Paul January 07, 2019

You can heal your jealousy! Discover the underlying cause and how to heal it.

“My husband has become friends with the woman next door and when he talks with her, I feel crazy with jealousy. . . . → Read More: Why Am I So Jealous and How Can I Stop?

Can We Run Out Of Love?

Is your experience of love that it is scarce and limited?

“Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Love never decreases by being shared. ~Chinese Proverb

There seems to be a myth that love is scarce – that there is only . . . → Read More: Can We Run Out Of Love?

Are You a Real Friend?

“A real friend is one who helps us to think our noblest thoughts, put forth our best efforts, and be our best selves.” ~Anonymous

What kind of friend are you? Below are some of the things good friends do.

Do you:

Listen with caring and attention? Support what brings your friend joy? Have the courage . . . → Read More: Are You a Real Friend?

“Why Do I Feel Shame When I’m Being Blamed?”

What’s really happening when someone blames and shames you? If you stopped taking it personally, what would you be feeling?

What do you generally do when someone blames you for his or her feelings? Do you find yourself taking it personally and blaming yourself? This is what Melinda struggles with:

“How do I take loving care of myself when my partner is acting out with jealousy that he is not acknowledging? I feel blamed and shamed. It somehow feels like there’s something wrong with me, or something I’m doing even though there isn’t. What do I do with the shame? How do I love myself through it? His reaction can last a few hours or even a few days.”

Melinda, your partner’s blaming and shaming of you are his ways of avoiding responsibility for his own feelings. But the real question is, why are you taking on the blame and shame? Why are you taking his behavior personally? Continue reading “Why Do I Feel Shame When I’m Being Blamed?”
