Do you sometimes find yourself resisting receiving love because you believe you don’t deserve it?
Have you ever heard yourself say, “I’m not worthy of love,” or “I’m not worth loving,” or “I’m unworthy of God’s love”? I frequently hear this from my clients. Do you find yourself in resistance to receiving love – . . . → Read More: Do You Believe You Are Worthy of Love?
How often do you feel one-up or one-down in comparison to others?
When you were growing up, did your parents compare you to others? Were you compared to siblings or other family members? Did your parents compare you to your friends or classmates? Did you have teachers who compared you to other students? Did . . . → Read More: Do You Compare Yourself to Others?
Do you have problems having truly connected friendships?
Friendship is a big topic. There are people who always seem to have many friends, and others who can’t seem to find the way to make friends. Some people have deeply connected friendships, and others have only superficial acquaintances. What accounts for these differences?
Pressuring yourself might be causing resistance, stress, anxiety, physical pain, insomnia and even illness.
How many of you put a lot of pressure on yourself? How often do you feel anxious because of this pressure? How often do you have trouble sleeping because you feel so pressured?
Are you shy? Is your shyness getting in the way of your connection with others?
Have you struggled with being a shy person?
Lily asks:
“I try hard to overcome my shyness and reluctance to stand out, speak up and shine. It’s a daily struggle for me. I make small progress, but can . . . → Read More: Shyness