The Vital Importance of Community

Discover why people in a particular kind of community die of old age, rather than from heart disease and cancer.

I’ve been reading in many different sources about the research involving community and well being. In his best-selling book, “Outliers,” Malcolm Gladwell opens with a study done in a small Pennsylvania town called Roseto.

In 1882, Italians who lived in a town of the same name, Roseto, started to come to the U.S. These people worked in the nearby marble quarries or farmed the terraced land. Upon coming to the U.S., they found jobs in a slate quarry in Pennsylvania. Eventually, about 2000 Rosetans came to the U.S. They started to buy land on a rocky hillside and built closely clustered two-story stone houses. Eventually, they cleared the land and planted fruit trees and vegetables. They raised pigs and grew grapes for wine. Schools, shops and factories sprang up and the town thrived. Continue reading The Vital Importance of Community


Are You or Your Partner Possessive?

“I freak out when my husband even looks at another woman. I trust him not to wander, so I don’t know why this upsets me so much.””My partner spends too much time with her friends and family. What’s the point of being together if she’s always gone a couple of nights a week?” 

“My wife wants to go back to school now that the children are older. She doesn’t need to work, so why does she want to do this? It’s going to take up way too much of her time.”

“My husband has to go out of town for work a lot. I feel so angry about this. What about me?”

“I love to dance and my husband doesn’t, so why does he get so upset when I dance with someone else – even with another woman?”

What’s going on here? What is behind this possessiveness? Continue reading Are You or Your Partner Possessive?


Enmeshed Parenting

“Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself. They came through you but not from you and though they are with you yet they belong not to you.”
— Kahlil Gibran
Symptoms of enmeshed parenting:
  • Your children’s good or difficult behavior and successful or unsuccessful achievements define your worth.
  • Your children are the center of your life – your purpose in life.
  • Your focus is on taking care of your children rather than taking care yourself.
  • Your happiness or pain is determined by your children.
  • You are invasive – you need to know everything about what your children think and do.

If you identify with one or more of these symptoms, you might be enmeshed with your children.

Consequences for your children of you being enmeshed with them: Continue reading Enmeshed Parenting


“Why Won’t my Partner Have Sex With Me?”

Are you wondering why your partner doesn’t want to have sex with you? This article may provide the answer for you. . . . → Read More: “Why Won’t my Partner Have Sex With Me?”

“Why Are My Partners Always Needy?”

If you have the experience of always meeting needy or controlling people, it is likely because you are also needy and controlling and don’t realize it. . . . → Read More: “Why Are My Partners Always Needy?”

Food That Harms, Food that Heals

The food industry, drug companies, and insurance companies are intricately tied up in why we have a health care crisis. . . . → Read More: Food That Harms, Food that Heals