The Relationship Trap: “Let’s Talk”

Do you sometimes feel trapped, knowing that your partner is going to blame you, when your partner says “Let’s Talk”? Do you give in or get angry and withdraw because you don’t know what else to do? . . . → Read More: The Relationship Trap: “Let’s Talk”

Am I in a Healthy Relationship?

Are you wondering if you are in a healthy relationship or even what constitutes a healthy relationship for you? . . . → Read More: Am I in a Healthy Relationship?

Controlling Behavior, Loving Behavior

The underlying problem in most relationships is that both people are stuck in various forms of controlling behavior, yet neither person is consciously aware of trying to control. Find out how you may be trying to control, why you might want control, and what to do about it. . . . → Read More: Controlling Behavior, Loving Behavior