“I’m Not Important Enough To Want To Love Myself”

When you were growing up, did you feel important to your parents? Did they attend to you in loving ways to show you how important you were to them? Or, did you often feel like a bother or a burden to them?

Did either of your parents or caregivers role-model loving themselves? Did . . . → Read More: “I’m Not Important Enough To Want To Love Myself”

Relationships: Hanging in Through the Hard Stuff

Do you have the courage to hang in through the hard times and do the learning and healing we all need to do to create a loving relationship?

Are you committed to working through the difficult and painful issues that inevitably arise in relationships, or do you run when things get hard? If you want to have a long-term loving relationship, then you need to learn to hang in through the hard stuff.

When Isabel and Lloyd met, they both felt that this was the relationship they had each been looking for. They could talk for hours. They were each deeply interested in learning about and getting to know each other. The chemistry between them was incredible. They had both been through previous marriages and both felt they were ready for a loving relationship. They enjoyed reading the same books and they both seemed open to learning. Continue reading Relationships: Hanging in Through the Hard Stuff


Am I in a Healthy Relationship?

Are you wondering if you are in a healthy relationship or even what constitutes a healthy relationship for you? . . . → Read More: Am I in a Healthy Relationship?

Should I Give Up Me To Not Lose You?

Most relationships require us to bend to a certain extent, but how much can we bend without a sense of loss of self? In this article, discover the healthy alternative to giving yourself up in relationship. . . . → Read More: Should I Give Up Me To Not Lose You?