“Will I Ever Find The Love Of My Life?”

Are you having a hard time finding a loving and connected relationship? Are you ready to heal the blocks that may be in the way of attracting your beloved?

“I’m tired of being alone and going to sleep alone. Will I ever find a loving partner?”

“I really want a relationship, but I . . . → Read More: “Will I Ever Find The Love Of My Life?”

Why Can’t I Commit?

Do you have problems committing to a relationship, or are you involved with someone who has a fear of commitment?

Louis wrote to me:

“I have been dating an amazing girl, but recently ended it because I am not sure if she is good for me. Our relationship has been very dramatic, partially due . . . → Read More: Why Can’t I Commit?

First-Date Blues – What Can you Learn?

Dating is challenging for many. Here are some tips to turn it into a learning adventure.

Sometimes, dating can be discouraging, or it can be a learning experience. One of the things I encourage my dating clients to do is to use their experience to hone their intuitive skills – starting from the first . . . → Read More: First-Date Blues – What Can you Learn?

Relationships: Hanging in Through the Hard Stuff

Do you have the courage to hang in through the hard times and do the learning and healing we all need to do to create a loving relationship?

Are you committed to working through the difficult and painful issues that inevitably arise in relationships, or do you run when things get hard? If you want to have a long-term loving relationship, then you need to learn to hang in through the hard stuff.

When Isabel and Lloyd met, they both felt that this was the relationship they had each been looking for. They could talk for hours. They were each deeply interested in learning about and getting to know each other. The chemistry between them was incredible. They had both been through previous marriages and both felt they were ready for a loving relationship. They enjoyed reading the same books and they both seemed open to learning. Continue reading Relationships: Hanging in Through the Hard Stuff


“Why Do I Seem to Attract Rejection?”

Are you perplexed regarding why you so often feel rejected by others?

Alana asked me the following question:

“My whole life I have felt that I don’t fit in with others – in my family, school, work – and while I have a pleasant, friendly demeanor, I also have an underlying self-consciousness, and . . . → Read More: “Why Do I Seem to Attract Rejection?”

“I Want To Open But I’m Scared of Getting Hurt.”

Are you afraid to open your heart to love, for fear of getting hurt? Learn how to lovingly manage the hurt.

Is it possible to fully love without getting hurt? The answer is unequivocally NO!

Is this because love hurts? Again, the answer is NO!

It is not love that hurts. It’s loss of . . . → Read More: “I Want To Open But I’m Scared of Getting Hurt.”