Healing Love Addiction Within a Relationship

Relationships can provide a wonderful arena for healing love addiction.

Many relationships flounder due to the issue of love addiction. Since people come together at their common level of woundedness – i.e., their common level of self-abandonment – if one partner is love addicted, it is likely that the other partner is also . . . → Read More: Healing Love Addiction Within a Relationship

What Does It Mean To Be Love Addicted?

Our culture seems to promote love addiction to such an extent that it seems like a healthy way to relate. While it is very common, it is anything but healthy. Because it is so prevalent, many people don’t realize they are love addicted.

Henry asks:

“Is love addiction like when I see a friendly . . . → Read More: What Does It Mean To Be Love Addicted?

The Difference between Daydreaming and Imagining

Our imagination is a great gift – a connection with our Divine Source – when we use it from an inwardly connected loving Adult to create the life we want.

“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” – Albert Einstein

We are often told that in order to manifest our dreams, we need to be able to imagine them. I have personally found this to be true, and I’ve also discovered that there is a big difference between imagining and daydreaming.


You are imagining when you are open and allowing creativity from Spirit to flow through you. The state of imagining comes from your soul, your essence – your inner child. Continue reading The Difference between Daydreaming and Imagining


Are You Abandoning Yourself?

Do you believe that feelings of abandonment are coming from others abandoning you – or do they come from self-abandonment?

When we think about abandonment, we generally think about being left by someone. But abandonment is about leaving someone we are responsible for – a child or an old or sick person who cannot take care of themselves and whom we have agreed to take care of.

As a healthy adult, another adult can leave you, but they cannot abandon you, since they likely have not agreed to be responsible for you.

It might seem strange to you, but, as a healthy adult, when you feel abandoned by someone, it is not actually about them. It is about having abandoned yourself.

Most people don’t think about how they abandon themselves because they don’t recognize that they are responsible for themselves – physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially, relationally and organizationally. Continue reading Are You Abandoning Yourself?


Is There Such A Thing As Healthy Narcissism?

Discover that ‘healthy narcissism’ is an oxymoron!

All of us have an ego wounded self who is narcissistic to one degree or another. For the purpose of this article, I am defining narcissism as abandoning responsibility for ourselves and expecting someone else to attend to us and define our self-worth, or expecting something external to fill us up and make us feel loved. Given this definition, ‘healthy narcissism’ is an oxymoron. Continue reading Is There Such A Thing As Healthy Narcissism?


Your Own Inner Work Affects the Whole World!

You have more of an effect on the world than you know!

“Let everyone sweep in front of his own door, and the whole world will be clean.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

What would happen if we each learned to take 100% responsibility for our own feelings and needs – learning to attend to our feelings with compassion for ourselves, and extending that compassion to others? What would happen if each of us were conscious enough to sweep in front of our own door – which means we would be conscious enough not to dump our filth on the rest of the world?

I love to imagine the possibilities! Continue reading Your Own Inner Work Affects the Whole World!
