Inspirational Video – Your Kindness Changes The World

You have the power to bring about a more loving world. Watching this 80 second movie, “Your Kindness Changes the World,” will remind you of the power of kindness toward yourself and others!

Margaret Paul, Ph.D. is a best-selling author of 8 books, relationship expert, and co-creator of the powerful Inner Bonding® process . . . → Read More: Inspirational Video – Your Kindness Changes The World

Who Am I?

Take a lesson from Elvis Presley: Learn to define your own worth, instead of having to ask others, “Who am I”

I recently attended a conference and one of the speakers was David Stanley, who lived with Elvis Presley as his stepbrother since David was four years old. His book, about his experiences with Elvis, called “Conversations With the King,” just got published. The book is co-authored by my good friend, Dr. David Gruder.

In the book, and in David Stanley’s presentation at the conference, we learn that Elvis constantly asked David, “Who am I?” He asked him this for the last time, just two days before he died.

According to David, Elvis was a very spiritual man, with profoundly powerful spiritual gifts. Yet, with all his gifts and talents and fame, he didn’t know how to discover who he was. As we all know, he was deeply drug-addicted, which eventually killed him. Continue reading Who Am I?


What is Enlightenment?

Wayne Dyer offers us a simple yet profound definition of enlightenment – simple, but not easy.

“If I could define enlightenment briefly I would say it is the quiet acceptance of what is.” – Dr. Wayne Dyer

As simple as this definition seems to be, how often do you quietly accept what is? Instead, what do you say or do?

  • I say things like “It’s not supposed to be this way.” “It should have been different.” “It should be this other way.”
  • Instead of accepting how people are, I try various ways of trying to control them to get them to change and be the way I want them to be, or the way I think they should be. I explain, defend, complain, argue, blame, get angry, threaten, pout, give myself up, be extra loving and so on, rather than accept how they are.
  • I tell myself lies regarding who someone is choosing to be. I say things like, “Underneath, he has a good heart,” rather than accept that the person is choosing to be abusive, or “I know she loves me,” rather than accept her lack of connection and attraction to me. I act as if my fantasy of someone is the reality, rather than accept the reality.
  • I tell myself it’s my fault when others are unloving, rather than accept their choice to be unloving. I blame and shame myself, rather than accept who someone is choosing to be. I convince myself that if only I do things ‘right,’ or say things ‘right,’ I can get someone to change. Continue reading What is Enlightenment?

Inspirational Video – The Gifts of Spirit

The six Gifts of Spirit are what life is all about. Watching this 1 minute movie, “The Gifts of Spirit,” will remind you of these incomparable gifts!

Margaret Paul, Ph.D. is a best-selling author of 8 books, relationship expert, and co-creator of the powerful Inner Bonding® process – featured on Oprah, and recommended . . . → Read More: Inspirational Video – The Gifts of Spirit

“I Feel Overwhelmed”

I often hear from my clients that they feel overwhelmed. Generally, feeling overwhelmed means one of three things:

  • Overwhelmed by their feelings
  • Overwhelmed by time pressures
  • Overwhelmed by how to do things ‘right’

The feeling of overwhelm is generally caused by how we are treating ourselves and what we are telling ourselves.


In my Skype session with Peter, he told me at the beginning of the session that he felt overwhelmed. Continue reading “I Feel Overwhelmed”


When You Love Yourself, You Let Others Off the Hook

Frequently, when I start to work with a new client, they believe that loving their self is selfish. Nothing could be further from the truth. A more accurate definition of selfish is expecting others to give themselves up and do for you what you can and need to be doing for yourself.

Letting Others Off The Hook

How are others let off the hook when you love yourself? Let us count the ways!

• Others don’t need to read your mind when you are meeting many of your own needs, and asking outright when there is something you need help with.

• Others don’t need to hold back, be careful, or walk on eggshells when you are taking care of your own feelings. Continue reading When You Love Yourself, You Let Others Off the Hook
