Discover the cause of inner emptiness and what you need to do to feel full inside.
For many people, inner emptiness is a big problem. They believe that they can fill their emptiness from the outside, which is a false belief.
The cause of inner emptiness is a lack of a loving connection with your inner child – your essence, your true Self, your Being, which then results in an inability to share love with others. yourself and sharing your love with others is what creates fullness.
When you stay focused in your head, rather than being in your body with your feelings, and when you turn to various addictions such as substance, process, self-judgment, and love addiction, you are abandoning your feelings – abandoning your inner child – which creates emptiness. You might then turn to the very same self-abandoning actions in an attempt to avoid your emptiness – a vicious circle. Continue reading Filling Up Emptiness From The Inside