Where Did The Passion Go?

Do you love your partner but find that the intensity and intimacy have become muted? Discover why.

Patti asked the following question in one of my webinars on sexuality:

I am now going out with the man of my dreams. I have wanted to be in relationship with him for so long. We used to be friends and I would be so excited to see him. Yet now that we are in a relationship (5 months), I am quietly happy, but the level of excitement I used to have seems to have disappeared. I don’t seem to be able to access the range of emotions I ordinarily have. Would appreciate your insights. Thank you.

Patti, I’m sure this must be confusing to you, but it is much more common than you know – and there is a good reason for it. Continue reading Where Did The Passion Go?


“My Husband is Not Sexual”

Are you in a relationship with a man who is not sexual? You are not alone!

In a question to me on one of my webinars, Melanie writes: “My husband is very loving, but not very sexual. I’ve tried to talk to him about this many times in non-threatening ways, but his lack of enthusiasm toward sex makes it very difficult to engage myself when he finally does get around to feeling sexual. We have zero intimacy mentally and very little physically.”

We often hear of men complaining that their wives are not sexual. It might surprise you that I often hear this complaint from women as well. Continue reading “My Husband is Not Sexual”


Do You Isolate?

If you tend to isolate, and you believe that isolating protects you from getting hurt, you might be surprised to learn of the harm you are causing yourself.

In my counseling practice, I often have clients who tend to isolate as a way of protecting against their fears – especially their fears of rejection and engulfment. They are so afraid of being disliked, disapproved of, attacked or having demands made on them, that they choose to avoid relationships, rather than learn how to deal with these challenging situations.

These people have never developed a loving Adult self, who knows how to take loving care of them when others are angry, rejecting or demanding. They believe they prefer loneliness over the challenge of relationships. Continue reading Do You Isolate?


Are Kindness and Tenderness Signs of Weakness?

Are you confusing gentleness and kindness with weakness? Discover what weakness really is and how to acquire the strength to be kind and gentle. . . . → Read More: Are Kindness and Tenderness Signs of Weakness?

Addictions: Talking as a Form of Resistance

Many people have discovered talking as way to avoid being invaded, controlled, or rejected by others. Yet this addiction, as well as many others, being a form of self-abandonment, leads to much suffering. . . . → Read More: Addictions: Talking as a Form of Resistance