When and Why to Speak Up For Yourself

Get clear on when it’s appropriate to speak up for yourself and when it isn’t.

Are you confused about if and when to speak up for yourself?

The question to ask yourself is: “Are you speaking up for yourself to take loving care of yourself, or to change the other person?”

For example, let’s . . . → Read More: When and Why to Speak Up For Yourself

Why Don’t You Speak Up For Yourself?

My counseling clients often complain to me about interactions they had with a partner, friend, parents or co-worker. When I asked the question, “Why didn’t you speak up for yourself?” here are the most common answers I receive:

“I want to keep the peace.”
“I don’t want to rock the boat.”
“I didn’t know what to say.”
“It won’t change anything.”
“He/she won’t listen.”
“We will just end up fighting.”
“He/she will make it my fault.” Continue reading Why Don’t You Speak Up For Yourself?
