We are all geniuses. Are you ready to find your genius?
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”~ Albert Einstein
Did you know that everybody is a genius? I love this quote by Einstein because it points out a false belief that is pervasive in our culture—that genius is defined by a certain type of IQ which has to do with reading and math. But defining IQ by reading and math when your genius lies in a totally different direction is like judging a fish by its ability to climb a tree—it makes no sense at all. Continue reading Find your Genius
“If you ask something of someone and you are upset over their response, then it wasn’t a request, it was a demand.” – Michael E. Angier
Most of us hate being demanded of. We don’t like being put in the position of feeling we have to say ‘yes’ in order to not run into another’s upset with us. Sometimes, to delay the negative response, we might say ‘yes’ and then not do it, hoping that the anticipated anger will never come. We might even mean ‘yes’ in the moment we say it, but because most of us hate being controlled by another, we might unconsciously resist doing what the other person has asked us to do. Continue reading Are You Demanding? Do You Hate Demands?
Where does your mind generally go – to the obstacles or to the goal? You CAN change your mindset if it is stopping you from having what you want.
Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal. ~Henry Ford
What happens for you when you get a great idea about something you want to do—a new business, a creative project, a vacation and so on? If it really is a great idea for you, you likely feel a sense of excitement about it. I’ve learned that my feelings of excitement let me know that this idea is a good one for me—that it is on the right track regarding what is in my highest good.
What is loving to yourself and others is not always clear. This article presents some important questions to consider. . . . → Read More: Can You Love Others?
Life can often feel overwhelming, causing us to forget why we are here. Watching this 1 minutes movie, “The Sacred Privilege of Love,” will remind you of why you are here, and to choose gratitude for the sacred privilege of being here!