Are You Loving Yourself Or Avoiding Conflict?

By Margaret Paul, Ph.D. August 24, 2015

How honest are you willing to be with yourself regarding your intent?

Sometimes, when there is conflict in a relationship, it’s hard to tell if you are withdrawing to avoid conflict – or as a way of punishing your partner – or if you are lovingly disengaging . . . → Read More: Are You Loving Yourself Or Avoiding Conflict?

Resisting Happiness

Are you stuck in misery? Do you resist taking responsibility for making yourself happy? Discover a possible cause of this.

One of the issues I frequently encounter with my clients is the following:

Sasha is in a long-term, on-again, off-again, relationship with Fabio. When Sasha is taking loving care of herself, the relationship . . . → Read More: Resisting Happiness

Do You Give People The Benefit of the Doubt?

Margaret Paul, Ph. D. August 04, 2015

Discover whether or not it is loving to yourself to give someone the benefit of the doubt.

I was having a Skype session with Raul. He was feeling down because a woman he has recently met rejected him. He was confused because he hadn’t actually really liked . . . → Read More: Do You Give People The Benefit of the Doubt?

Do You Have Problems Bringing Up Issues?

By Margaret Paul, Ph.D. August 03, 2015

Do you get stuck in not being able to resolve conflicts because you don’t know how to bring up issues in a way that works?

Bringing up difficult issues is often a major challenge in relationships.

Laurie wrote to me about this issue:

“My biggest trigger in . . . → Read More: Do You Have Problems Bringing Up Issues?

“Why Do I Attach To An Unavailable Person?”

By Margaret Paul, Ph.D. July 27, 2015

Are you addicted to trying to get love from unavailable, unloving people?

Have you found yourself repeatedly ‘falling in love’ with an unavailable person? Have you wondered why you keep doing this?

This is the question Wanda asked:

“What about our wounded self causes us to attach . . . → Read More: “Why Do I Attach To An Unavailable Person?”

What to do When Your Partner Lacks Empathy

Were you born with the ability to feel others’ feelings? I was, and one of the issues that I had to face was that not everyone is empathic.

This was very confusing to me as a child. In school, I often saw children bullying and making fun of another child. The more the child . . . → Read More: What to do When Your Partner Lacks Empathy