How honest are you willing to be with yourself regarding your intent?
Sometimes, when there is conflict in a relationship, it’s hard to tell if you are withdrawing to avoid conflict – or as a way of punishing your partner – or if you are lovingly disengaging . . . → Read More: Are You Loving Yourself Or Avoiding Conflict?
Are you stuck in misery? Do you resist taking responsibility for making yourself happy? Discover a possible cause of this.
One of the issues I frequently encounter with my clients is the following:
Sasha is in a long-term, on-again, off-again, relationship with Fabio. When Sasha is taking loving care of herself, the relationship . . . → Read More: Resisting Happiness
Discover whether or not it is loving to yourself to give someone the benefit of the doubt.
I was having a Skype session with Raul. He was feeling down because a woman he has recently met rejected him. He was confused because he hadn’t actually really liked . . . → Read More: Do You Give People The Benefit of the Doubt?
Were you born with the ability to feel others’ feelings? I was, and one of the issues that I had to face was that not everyone is empathic.
This was very confusing to me as a child. In school, I often saw children bullying and making fun of another child. The more the child . . . → Read More: What to do When Your Partner Lacks Empathy