Are you addicted to fixing others? Do you believe this is loving rather than controlling?
Many of us were raised to base our identity on helping or fixing others. Fixing others is often the addiction of choice for people who have a naturally deep level of empathy . . . → Read More: Healing a ‘Fix Others’ Addiction
Discover the things you might need to change in yourself in order to have a chance at creating change in your partner and in your relationship.
How much energy do you spend trying to get what you want from your partner? Think about it for a moment – how much of your thinking time . . . → Read More: How Can I Get My Partner To Change
One of the things I loved doing as a child was making creative things for my parents. I would spend hours designing and building wonderful cards with little poems in them, and make special pieces of jewelry for my mother. The only problem was that, while my mother would receive her gift graciously, she . . . → Read More: Do You See Your Essence and The Essences of Your Children?