Do you have a mother wound that plagues you in your life and your relationships?
Many of us have a deep and painful mother wound from not receiving the nurturing we needed. Without adequate healing, this wound can follow you around your whole life and affect all . . . → Read More: Healing the Mother Wound
Heal your inner cult with the Six Steps of Inner Bonding.
What do you picture when you think of the word ‘cult?’ For me, what comes to mind is being involved in a community where you have to follow certain rules and do things a certain way, . . . → Read More: Healing Your Inner Cult
Do you keep attracting narcissistic or emotionally unavailable partners? You CAN learn to attract a healthy partner!
Have you found yourself continually attracting the same kind of unhealthy person into your life, such as people who are narcissistic or emotionally unavailable? This is the situation Connie finds herself in.
Inner Bonding is a powerful process for healing attachment wounds.
Did you have a secure, reliable loving bond with at least one parent or caregiver? Was one of your parents or caregivers consistently emotionally available and responsive to your needs? If not, then you likely have attachment . . . → Read More: Healing Attachment Wounds