“How Do I Know When The Issue Is Mine?”

Margaret Paul, Ph.D. January 04, 2016

Do you sometimes get confused regarding whether a relationship issue is about you, about your partner, or about both of you?

Alexa asked me the following question:

“How do you know when you are self-abandoning and being needy versus setting off fear of engulfment in your partner that . . . → Read More: “How Do I Know When The Issue Is Mine?”

Trusting Others Starts With Self-Trust

Margaret Paul, Ph.D. November 09, 2015

We want to be able to trust others to be honest and reliable. Yet are you honest and reliable with yourself? Do you trust your own inner knowing? You will not be able to trust others until you are trustworthy with yourself.

“I have a hard time trusting . . . → Read More: Trusting Others Starts With Self-Trust

How To Heal Your False Beliefs

Margaret Paul, Ph.D. November 02, 2015

There is a very definite process for healing false beliefs that always works!

Have you found that the same false beliefs keep coming up over and over – even though intellectually you know they aren’t true? This is what Betty is struggling with:

“Many times I have identified . . . → Read More: How To Heal Your False Beliefs

Are You Forgetting Your Guidance?

Margaret Paul, Ph.D. October 26, 2015

Are you a person who has experienced being tuned into your spiritual Guidance, yet you frequently forget to check in, especially in times of anxiety and stress?

Gerald was raised in a family whose God was money and success. There was no religion practiced and neither of his . . . → Read More: Are You Forgetting Your Guidance?

The Greatest Joy in Life

There are many experiences that create momentary happiness, but there is only one experience that is truly the greatest joy in life.

Take a moment to think about what you believe is the greatest joy in life.

Is it:

Getting love or approval? Having lots of friends? Being financially successful? Being famous? Being married? . . . → Read More: The Greatest Joy in Life

How Relationships Can Be Easy – 4 Keys to Loving Relationships

By Margaret Paul, Ph.D.

October 12, 2015

Creating a loving relationship doesn’t have to be as hard as you might think!

As most of us know, relationships can be very challenging. We generally enter a relationship with many unhealed wounds from childhood. These wounds easily get triggered in committed relationships. Our wounds include both . . . → Read More: How Relationships Can Be Easy – 4 Keys to Loving Relationships