From Atheist To The Joy of Divine Grace

By Margaret Paul, Ph.D. February 15, 2016

The state of Divine Grace is a most wonderful experience, and it’s available to all of us – even if you are an atheist.

Jerome consulted with me because he felt stuck in his life. He often felt angry and unfulfilled, even though he loved his work. . . . → Read More: From Atheist To The Joy of Divine Grace

Learn To Love Yourself: Listen To Your Soul NOT Your Mind

By Margaret Paul, Ph.D. February 08, 2016

Learning to discern the difference between mind and soul communication is essential to learning to love yourself. Learn how to tell when information is truth from Spirit or made up from the mind.

One day, when I was dialoguing with my Guidance, I asked her to teach . . . → Read More: Learn To Love Yourself: Listen To Your Soul NOT Your Mind

The Fear of Being Excluded

By Margaret Paul, Ph. D. February 01, 2016

You CAN heal a fear of being excluded and rejected!

Many of us grew up experiencing, in one way or another, the pain of being excluded. Perhaps you felt excluded at home – by parents or siblings, or with friendships at school or outside of school. . . . → Read More: The Fear of Being Excluded

When You Reach for Help, Are You Loving or Abandoning Yourself?

By Margaret Paul, Ph.D. January 25, 2016

Discover the big difference between reaching out as your loving adult or as your wounded self.

Dorothy asked an important question:

“What is the difference between turning to someone and handing my little girl over to them?”

The difference is in your intent.

Loving Yourself

When . . . → Read More: When You Reach for Help, Are You Loving or Abandoning Yourself?

Why We Take Things Personally

Margaret Paul, Ph.D. January 18, 2016

When others are mean or rejecting, do you tend to take their behavior personally?


One of the biggest issues that many people struggle with is taking other people’s behavior personally. Why do we do this?

Lila asked:

“I would like to hear you speak about the potential . . . → Read More: Why We Take Things Personally

Kind at the Beginning…Critical Later. Why?

Have you been mystified when someone who has appeared to be very kind and caring suddenly becomes blaming, critical, or just disappears?

How often have you had the experience of feeling someone’s kindness, only to feel deeply criticized as the relationship progressed?

This was Leslie’s experience and she is struggling with whether or . . . → Read More: Kind at the Beginning…Critical Later. Why?