Learn how to resolve conflict when your partner or another person isn’t available for mutual conflict resolution.
Loving relationships create a safe arena in which to resolve conflict. In the safe arena, both people are open to learning about themselves and each other, and as they caringly . . . → Read More: Relationship Advice: Resolving Conflict When Someone Is Closed
There can be a big difference in intent between being nice and being loving. Being nice might be manipulative, while being loving means being authentic.
Our society has long trained children to be “nice.” Being nice might mean:
It is often tempting to tell others what to do, especially when it is obvious that they are not taking care of themselves. Discover why this usually backfires and what to do instead.
Have you been in love with a narcissist? Are you now going through pain and confusion as a result of the relationship ending?
Have you been in a relationship with a narcissist? Many people are very vulnerable to getting into a relationship with a narcissist because . . . → Read More: The Aftermath of a Relationship with a Narcissist