Loving Yourself When Feeling Engulfed and Controlled

By Dr. Margaret Paul November 15, 2016

What do you do when someone is trying to control you? Do you give in, argue or resist? Discover how to love yourself instead of abandoning yourself.

Most of us have had the experience in our relationships of someone trying to control us. Perhaps they were . . . → Read More: Loving Yourself When Feeling Engulfed and Controlled

Loving Yourself When in Conflict

By Margaret Paul, PhD November 07, 2016

You have a much better chance at conflict resolution when you are loving yourself rather than trying to control the other person.

One of the questions I often receive is about how to manage conflict. If you think back to the role-modeling you received regarding how . . . → Read More: Loving Yourself When in Conflict

Can You Emotionally Connect With Your Family Of Origin?

By Margaret Paul, Ph.D. October 31, 2016

Do you have major challenges in emotionally connecting with your family of origin? You are not alone!

“Being related hardly insures relatability.” – Michael E. Angier

Are you happy with your family of origin? Can you emotionally connect with your family? If you can, you . . . → Read More: Can You Emotionally Connect With Your Family Of Origin?

The High Cost of Physical Self-Abandonment

By Margaret Paul October 24, 2016

If you are not concerned with your physical self-care, have you ever considered the high cost to those around you?

I was sitting in the airport at my gate in Chicago, on my way home from the East Coast, having just completed a wonderful Inner Bonding weekend . . . → Read More: The High Cost of Physical Self-Abandonment

Do You Have Patience?

By Margaret Paul, Ph.D. October 18, 2016

Has having patience been a challenge for you? Discover an underlying cause of impatience.

Some people seem to be naturally patient. I’m not one of those people. I think I was born impatient.

I have spent a lot of time cultivating having patience and trying to . . . → Read More: Do You Have Patience?

Relationships: When Is It Okay To Call It Quits?

By Margaret Paul, Ph.D. October 10, 2016

Do you feel ready to leave your relationship but wonder whether or not this is the right time to call it quits?

Many of my clients struggle with knowing when it’s the right time to end a relationship.

Mary asked me:

“I married my first boyfriend . . . → Read More: Relationships: When Is It Okay To Call It Quits?