How To Trust Again

By Dr. Margaret Paul [ 7 Hit(s) ] August 29, 2016

Learning how to trust again is a process, not an event, and it take both inner and relationship work.

    I received the following question about how to trust again: “My husband and I remarried after we both got divorced and went . . . → Read More: How To Trust Again

Staying Connected As A Loving Adult In The Face Of Conflict


Have you found it hard to stay open in the face of conflict? Does your wounded self quickly take over, and your conflict resolution skills disappear?

Allison asked me the following question:

“I practice Inner Bonding when I feel I need it. I basically feel connected and when something is going on I . . . → Read More: Staying Connected As A Loving Adult In The Face Of Conflict

Developing The Habit Of Loving

Like anything worth learning, developing the habit of loving takes practice. As you practice Inner Bonding, your brain develops the habit of loving.

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” ~ Aristotle

All of us develop habits as we are growing up. Some of the . . . → Read More: Developing The Habit Of Loving

Does Your Life Feel Alive And Meaningful?

 By Margaret Paul, Ph.D. June 20, 2016

Do you find that nothing really excites you or holds much meaning for you? Does your life lack aliveness, passion and purpose?

Vera sought out counseling with me because her doctor advised her to discover the emotional causes of her chronic fatigue. Vera, a successful . . . → Read More: Does Your Life Feel Alive And Meaningful?

How To Forgive

By Margaret Paul, Ph.D. June 06, 2016

Do you want to forgive yourself or someone else, but you just can’t seem to get there? Learn how to forgive in this article.

It’s one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself, to forgive. Forgive everybody. ~Maya Angelou

Forgiveness IS one of the greatest . . . → Read More: How To Forgive

Avoiding Emotional Pain Causes Emotional Pain

By Margaret Paul, Ph.D. May 30, 2016 We all learned many ways of avoiding pain as we were growing up, but what once seemed to protect us against pain is now actually causing our pain.

We all had to learn many ways of avoiding emotional pain as we were growing up, because we . . . → Read More: Avoiding Emotional Pain Causes Emotional Pain