Horses – A Dream Come True

Ever since I was a small child, I wanted a horse. When I was eight years old I was at a birthday party and a palm reader was part of the entertainment. We each got to ask her one question, and my question was, “Will I ever live on a ranch with horses?” When she said “no” after looking at my palm, I was devastated.

Now, 63 years later, I am living on a ranch with horses!  Yay! She was wrong!

There is nothing quite like hugging a horse. Many people don’t know that horses are incredibly sensitive animals. They pick up emotion way better than people, and you cannot fool them. If I am off center, they will pick it up and react to it by being a bit surly. When I am centered in my heart they come to me with their ears forward, wanting rubs and hugs, being so cute and affectionate.

I learned to ride as a child, but now I’m learning to ride a whole different way – with subtle cues and using my energy. Due to their sensitivity, the horses pick up immediately on my energy and know when I want to walk, trot, or canter. Amazing!

There is something incredibly fulfilling about interacting with horses. Due to being prey animals, they have a very different energy than dogs. I love wrapping my arms around their necks, feeling their huge but gentle energy. I’ve discovered that the relationship with the horse is even more fun and fulfilling than riding!

I now understand why they are such good therapy animals. Being as sensitive as they are, they are able to tune in on a level that few humans can. They seem to naturally offer their love, just as dogs do. Their movement while riding them does more for the body and brain than massage or cranial manipulation, which is why children with autism benefit so much from riding them.

If you want help in opening your heart to love and healing, spend time getting to know a horse!


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