Discover how developing your loving adult, your spiritual connection, and learning to love yourself heals fear.
“I believe that anyone can conquer fear by doing the things he fears to do, provided he keeps doing them until he gets a record of successful experiences behind him.” ~Eleanor Roosevelt
Discover why your partner may be shutting you out and what you can do about it.
What do you do when your partner shuts you out?
Do you know that being shut out and stonewalled is even more hurtful than being yelled at? Children would rather get yelled . . . → Read More: Loving Yourself When Your Partner Shuts You Out
Do you know how to love yourself when your partner is needy and wants you to take responsibility for his or her feelings?
Are you an empathic person who feels others’ pain and then takes responsibility for their feelings in an effort to alleviate their pain? Is it . . . → Read More: Loving Yourself When Your Partner Is Needy
Discover how loving it is to yourself to understand the amazing difference between blame and responsibility.
Growing up, most of us had numerous experiences of being blamed. I was frequently blamed for things that I was too young to understand, or for things that I didn’t . . . → Read More: Loving Yourself When Being Blamed
Discover the great benefits to your relationship in learning to love yourself!
What creates sexual passion?
First, there needs to be sexual chemistry between two people. Sexual chemistry can sustain passion for a while, but it isn’t enough in a long-term relationship. For sexual passion to . . . → Read More: Why Loving Yourself Creates Sexual Passion With Your Partner